Outliers and outperformers wanted

Outliers and outperformers wanted

Uncork Capital-backed companies are building kick-ass teams in engineering, marketing, sales, operations and more.

Uncork Capital-backed companies are building kick-ass teams in engineering, marketing, sales, operations and more.

Founding Cloud Engineer



Software Engineering
Toronto, ON, Canada · Remote
Posted 6+ months ago

Who are we?

GPTZero is the world's leading platform for verifying the origin, quality, and factuality of the world's information. In less than a year, GPTZero has been used by over 5M people around the world and is depended on by thousands of consumer and enterprise customers. We’ve been covered on the front page of the NYT, BBC, WSJ, WaPo, Fox, NPR, and CNN; and serve >2M unique users per month.

In March 2023, we raised a $3.5M seed round co-led by Uncork Capital and Neo with angel investments by the Altman Fund, the CEOs of Stability.ai and LatticeHQ, as well as the former CEOs of NYT, BBC, and Reuters. We’re solving novel, challenging problems in NLP and ML, and deploying cutting-edge solutions to detect the origin and veracity of the information on the web.

We’ve built a team from Meta, Uber, Microsoft, Affirm, Bloomberg, and Robinhood, as well as AI research labs from Princeton, Vector, MILA, and Caltech. To continue our rapid growth, we're looking for people who are passionate about this mission to join us!

What we're looking for

In this role, you'll build the next-gen platform to verify the origin, quality, and factuality of the world's information. The ideal candidate is someone who has built containerized clouds from the ground up, is fluent with async function calling, and is comfortable prioritizing tradeoffs for rapid product iteration. You'll be working on a fast-paced team of passionate builders and partnering closely with our ML and design teams to create industry-defining software that has attracted over 2M users globally.


  • Lead infrastructure for our AWS cloud, and building on our containerization and CI/CD pipelines

  • Scale NLP workloads (web scraping, text search, and language model output streaming)

  • Build secure and well-tested machine learning, authentication, and payment flows on our Node.js backend and SQL

  • Collaborate on defining the product roadmap with our ML, design, and business teams (for example, identifying new ways to use AI to provide value)

  • Maintain uptime for over 200k daily active users and in the face of highly variable loads


  • Proficiency in Kubernetes, AWS, Go, Node.js, and Python

  • Proficiency with databases (SQL, NoSQL, and text search)

  • Self-starter (pitch, plan, and implement as a project owner in a fast-paced team)

  • Highly motivated to make positive societal impact

  • Wear multiple hats and be a leader as our team grows

  • Visa for work in Canada or US

  • Bonus:

    • strong open-source portfolio

    • experience working in an early-stage startup environment

    • experience building Stripe and authentication APIs

Who you'll be joining

Our Team

You will be working directly with

  • Alex (our CTO) R&D at Uber self-driving division and Facebook, 3 patents in ML, 2021 and 2019 Best ML Hack at Stanford

  • Edmond (our fullstack lead) Obama Foundation Scholar at Columbia University and Editor-in-chief of The Andela Way

  • Olivia (our head of design) on translating your research into outputs for millions of users.

  • Edward (our CEO, ex-Bellingcat, Microsoft, BBC investigative journalism) to craft the messages we send to our community, and shape the GPTZero brand.

Additionally, you will be working with an experienced (eg. ex-Google, Meta, Microsoft, Bloomberg ML, Uber, Vector, MILA), diverse (eg. an engineering team with both Y-combinator and Obama scholarship recipients, a designer with art featured in the Met), and driven (eg. an operator who has scaled a company to 100M+ revenue and is committed to doing it again) group of individuals, described by one investor as one of the strongest founding teams seen in their career.

Together, we are committed to making a permanent impact on the future of writing, and on humanity.

Our Angels and Advisors

  • Tom Glocer (Legendary Reuters CEO)

  • Mark Thompson (Legendary NYT CEO and current CNN chief executive)

  • Jack Altman (CEO of Lattice, brother of Sam Altman)

  • Karthik Narasimhan (Princeton NLP Professor, co-author of OpenAI’s original GPT paper)

  • Emad Mostaque (CEO of Stability AI)

  • Doug Herrington (CEO of Worldwide Amazon Stores)

  • Brad Smith (President of Microsoft)

  • Tripp Jones (Partner at Uncork Capital)

  • Ali Partovi (co-founder of Code.org, early investor in Dropbox and Airbnb)

  • Russ Heddleston (CEO of Docsend)

  • Alex Mashrabov (Snapchat, Director of AI)

  • Faizan Mehdi (Affinity, Director of Demand Generation)

Our Perks

  • 🏥 Health, dental, and mental health benefits

  • 💻 Hybrid work in Toronto and NYC offices

  • 🚀 Competitive salary

  • 🍰 Equity (seed round was in March 2023, today, our metrics exceed many series A companies)

  • 🏝 Flexible PTO

  • 🎉 Regular company retreats

  • 💡Mentorship opportunities with our world-class advisors and investors

  • 🙌 Wellness and learning stipend